game improvements

- removal of smaller bugs

- change backgroundmusic main levels

- adjusted volume of various backgroundsounds and sound effects

- make mole stompable

- making player unvulnerable when entering/exiting a door

- cheatcodes added

- completely new mission/world added

- bonus level added

- enable quickjump to second mission from startsreen

- preventing owl in last but one forest level from disappearing

- animation/coallision Shape for Phönix flying back debugged

- deleted spikes in the second mountain level

- change of capital letters in credit screen

- add sound effect for stones hitting the ground

- debugged dying when quickstart in mountain levels

- redesign second but last mountain level

- change size of whale in bonuslevel 2

- change attack frequency in boss fight

- added best times to start screen

- dimmed sound of falling taps

- add effect die drowning

- added background effect to mountain levels (notes)

- sound volumes adjusted

- added anti-softlock option with pressed button

playing time now extended from about 25 min. to about 60 min.

Files Play in browser
32 days ago

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