A happy, peppy, doggy, one button adventure! Find the best bone the dog ever had! A game for any device but especially also mobile friendly.

Press any button, click or tap anywhere to jump or call the possible actions and help the dog to regain its beloved bone.

A Word from the creator:

This is the first solo projekt on itch.io from Gabko (normaly team carrot consits of two people). And this is also the first project where I tried a different graphic style, this time NOT pixel charme. Well, I guess I couldn't escape it all but it was an attempt.

In case you get softlocked or stuck anywhere in the game press any button for 5 seconds and you will be offered to restart the current level.

You are welcome to leave comments!

There are still some bugs and issues. These are known bugs:

- the leveltransitions are laggy

- sometimes the running animation doesn't start playing at the beginning of a level

If you encounter any more problems, please let me know in the comments.

I hope you have fun playing!

p.s.: Btw, this game is speedrunable. Every stage is clearable with (almost) immidiate starting but one or two are pretty difficult to play this way.


Music and Sound credits (all from freesound.org):

backgroundmusic sky: Bluesy Hip Hop Loop, by SergeQuadrado

backgroundmusic underground: dawn40000.wav, by levelclearer

backgroundmusic boss: Boss Stage, by FoolBoyMedia

backgroundmusic intro: Happy sandbox, by Unlistenable

backgroundmusic woods: forest theme orchestral loop, by Ehved

backgroundmusic mountains: el condor pasa, by Gheorghe Zamfir

backgroundmusic Boss2: Dramatic Scroller, by FoolBoyMedia

sound effect dying: alarm.wav, by pierrecartoons1979

sound effect jump: 8-Bit Jump, by se2001

sound effect stomp: Stomp studio bang, by MyInnerWill

sound effect wosh: Woosh - Ukulele 5, by Sadiquecat

sound effect breaking: Glas_Multiple_Slices_Drop_On_Floor_Debris_01.wav, by TheSoundcatcher

sound effect spring: SPRING 06.wav, by sandyrb

sound effect woff: Dog play.WAV, by cribbler

sound effect win: Victory Music Cue.wav, by joshuaempyre

sound effect owl: Owl Humanatone.wav, by edschaefer

sound effect bite: Kick-Hard (8-Bit), by DewAholic

sound effect tap falling: ObjectFalling3.aif, by icaroferre

sound effect water: Water at a Brook, by muses212

sound effect phoenix: RAM_Mouth Hawk_rev_v1.wav, by reided

Sound bonus level: Let it snow Instrumental, from soundboard.com

Grafic credits:

tiles: https://www.gameart2d.com/free-platformer-game-tileset.html

sky: Screaming Brain Studios

forest background: depositphotos.com, by dennisvdwater

phoenix: pngtree.com, by Parvej

Special thanks for testing the game to:

Theo, Helena and Rebecca

Thanks for inspiration:

Moritz, Bugina

Most important feedback: Was it fun to play?</strong>


Winner of the "A Very Merry Jam! 2024" game jam

Development log


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Looks like a game straight from the 90s or so. And, yes, that includes the difficulty. Loved it!