
- Wait untill it is your turn: It is your turn when there is a black frame around your name and items

- Place a playstone on any free field:


- Instead of placing a playstone you can apply one of the items in your repository:
1. click on the item in the repository you want to apply

2. click on a field you want to apply it

(You can cancle your chosen item by clicking anywhere else but on a field or on the item itself. New coming items will kick the oldest one out of the repository, when it is full.)

These are the affects of the items:

flip: Changes the playstone on one field:

flash row: deletes all playstones in a raw:

flash column: deletes all playstones in a column:

turn clockwise: Moves all playstones on the outer fields the the neighbouring field clockwise (it does not matter on which field you apply this item to):

turn anticlockwise: Moves all playstones on the outer fields the the neighbouring field anticlockwise:

bomb: deletes the playstone on the field the bomb is dropped and there is a 50% chance that a playstone on each vertical or horizontical neighbouring field is deleted as well:


- CPU is all but perfect. The game is more complex than it seems. But I hope you enjoy playing anyway (When a loss is inevitable CPU moves sometimes seem strange, but that doesn't really matter anymore, does it).


grafic for explosion animation: macrovector_official / /

About this game:

This game is just a prototype showcase for an enhanced tic tac toe game. The idea is to make  an online multiplayer game. This whole project is meant mainly to learn coding and working with a new game engine rather than creating a new computer game. Therefor grafics could be improved, sound is completly missing, menues and UI are not polished, visual effects are there but just on a very basic level.

Feedback welcome:

I hope I managed to make the game a bit more challanging and less predictable. Feel free to leave your comment. What do you think about the idea nd how to find the game balance with the items (especially in 2 Player mode)? Any thought about the game are welcome!


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(1 edit)

Very creative iteration of the usually basic game "Tic-Tac-Toe." The spells make the game far more interesting. 

As an amateur programmer, I am personally impressed by the CPU's AI—really cool! Would love to know what the algorithm behind it is :)

Nice job!